Our heart rate in turn affects palpitation of the heart. Heart palpitation is simply more like when one’s heart is having a hiccup, when you are feeling like you are skipping a breath in your heart and this happens according to a Denver heart doctor, sometimes for no reason, while it happens for some critical underlying issues especially when it becomes frequent and unbearable, that may be an important time to quickly reach out to a doctor that can help diagnose what exactly is wrong. Cardiologists are the doctors that are specifically trained to things that pertain to the health of the heart, they can help, test, diagnose, and prescribe the appropriate treatment that is fit for the heart. A Denver heart doctor is as well-referred to as a cardiologist, and if you find yourself in Denver reaching out to a Denver heart doctor will be a great decision when the heart palpitation becomes persistent.

Heart rate simply refers to the rhythm the heart takes when beating. And on a general note when one has a lower heart rate at rest, it simply means more efficient heart function and good cardiovascular fitness. In the case of a trained athlete, he might have a normal resting heart rate that is about 40 to 45 beats per minute. This kind of heart rate can be normal for an athlete, however, when heartbeats are slower than 60 beats per minute. It is called bradycardia, which may be normal for athletes but on the other end for people that are not athletes it might be a result of the brain to function adequately as they should.

In a case like that then heart palpitation sets in because of the rate of the heartbeats, and this may lead to dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, or even cause one to faint. The worse is having chest pains, memory problems, or even getting tired easily. If you are in Denver, a Denver heart doctor can be of great help, as they are one of the best on this side of the world and specifically trained for that.